Friday, December 29, 2006

[Ooops Taipei] Asia slowly recovering from outage

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) -- Asia is bouncing back from a massive communications outage, with phone and Internet providers cobbling together new networks after an earthquake off southern Taiwan clipped connections.
By Thursday, less than 48 hours after the magnitude 6.7 quake damaged two crucial undersea cables, telecommunications companies from South Korea to Singapore had restored most services to millions.
They did it by borrowing surplus transmission capacity from other companies and using satellites, confounding predictions of weeks of communications chaos.
Meanwhile, the Taiwan company at the heart of the crisis, Chunghwa Telecom, said four repair ships were heading to the damage sit, and were expected to arrive Tuesday.
Chunghwa said repairs would take up to three weeks.
The company estimated its revenue loss from the earthquake damage at about NT$100 million ($3.06 million).
Chunghwa has said repairs will cost about $50 million (US$1.53 million).
Cables occasionally snap, but this time was different.
"Cables break all over the place, from sharks nibbling, anchors dragged across," said Markus Buchhorn, an information technology expert at Australia National University.
He said the breaks are serious when, as in this case, several snap at once and there are no immediate backup lines.
The Asian communications outage reminded stock traders and others of the Internet's importance.
"We've become too dependent on these optic fibers," said said Francis Lun, general manager at Fulbright Securities in Hong Kong. "A few of them get damaged, and everything collapses."
Hong Kong online gamer Daniel Lee, 28, said he could not spend his usual eight to 10 hours a day playing Internet games.
"It's a hassle and it's depressing, but I can't do anything about it," said Lee, who is unemployed.
Long lines formed at Hong Kong's airport, where computers were not working at check-in counters for Taiwan's China Airlines.
Employees at China's biggest phone company, China Telecom Corp., said Internet and phone connections were still slow.
South Korea's biggest carrier, KT, said more than half of its 92 damaged lines should be fixed soon.
In Japan, major carriers KDDI Corp. and NTT Communications said most fixed-line phone services were running.
Tim Dillon, senior research director at U.S.-based Current Analysis, which studies the telecom industry, said customers in Asia will have to get used to slow service for some weeks.
"We have a lot of traffic all going to alternate routings at the same time," Dillon said. "It's obviously going to result in slower speeds and congestion as everyone piles onto the same cable."
Copyright 2006 The
Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

I am so excited about the 2007's coming

I am so excited about the new year's coming
this year truly pressure for me.
Somthing final end in this year, something fresh into my life

2007...still have half year to in the core of AIESEC
hold my whole heart for the still half-year
and then the next step to do my best for the design stuff
prepare for the application to abroad design studio

bring the power from AIESEC
to the next year
thanks all the ppl around me
you do bring the greatest moment in my life
love you all

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


因為對你而言不是去哪裡 而是兩個人在一起


Simplified Shopping

I Found These by website
hahha everything need tips even in shopping

Here are some tips to help you enjoy shopping this season without breaking the bank.

Have a plan Planning before you shop can save time, money and effort.
• Make lists and check them. Put some thought into finding that perfect gift, then plan alternatives and set a budget.
• Compare prices. You can do this online or compare between different stores. This allows you to find the highest quality item for the lowest price.
• Plan your route. Know the most efficient ways to get there, especially if youl be driving to different stores. The last thing you want is to get lost.

Parking Let other people fight for the closest space.
Parking in the far reaches of the lot will likely save you time. Plus, the walk inside is probably the last fresh air youe going to get for a while. Many malls have attendants on duty to help you carry your packages to the car.

Cash onlyLeave the credit cards at home.
Ellen McGrit, senior writer for Money magazine, says studies show people will spend 30 percent more when shopping with a credit card. Use cash or a debit card so you know your limits and won be tempted to exceed them.McGrit also recommends never signing up for in-store credit cards. Although they may save you 15 percent on the first purchase, youl end up spending more. Plus, those credit cards come with interest rates that simply aren worth it.

Keeping your cool
We've all heard horror stories about disgruntled holiday shoppers. This year, make sure you aren't one of them. Malls take steps to aid shoppers during the holiday season, said Molly Parrish, public relations director for mall-management company Simon Malls.Simon Malls, based in Atlanta, Georgia, stations guest service representatives at directories throughout the mall to answer customer service inquiries and provide additional support.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


It is already 6pm
I am still sitting here.....

sorry again
and wish you be happy

2003 is the beginning
but it was already end in long time ago....
but sometimes will still suddenly think about this
amd just like I need to make a important decision
but no matter I did or not
it will not to change anything

forgot to tell everyone my 22 -plan is because the one
but now he is not anymore
so the plan will never become true
so don't ask me about the 22 again..
cuz I don't know how to answer you guys....


Sunday, December 17, 2006


現在的我已經想不起來當初是學生也在Run AIESEC的感覺
持續保有 同理心 這三個字
懂得如何在整個組織中 找到平衡 我本來就該學習

心一直在飛揚 AIESEC真的是一個無限的潛力舞台
它讓我的心一直在飛揚 挑戰你可以無限的擴充
只要你目標抬的多高 你就有那個權利與機會去追求
這裡有一群人 他們或許是導師 是伙伴 是讓你引以借鏡的人 將會對你帶來不同的影響

今天HK MCP Mindy來台灣 很想他 和他聊了一天的話
我一直很喜歡和這一群MCP們聊天... Dexter, Mindy and Sharon
熱情與感染 我想MCP裡有他這麼個sister在 是我最棒的收穫

MCP大家那種高度熱情以及知道自己在做什麼的態度 很好!!
累了 但是事情還是會扛
倦了 但會為自己找到motivation
氣了 但會試著放開心胸
只是更懂得找出方向 就往前持續向前

AIESEC培養你的是一種態度 不是skill
skill是你要在外面學的 再藉由組織的機會去展現出來

對於自己想要的 你選擇勇於追求或是退而求其次 這正在累積你未來的態度
當初給予承諾你是否在日後的日子裡會盡力完成 或是得過且過 亦有可能選擇半路而退

這些小事 其實反映了一個人未來的態度
所以有問題找出來 解決它 不要放棄

一件小事(現在或許感覺是大事) 如果你喪失了溝通與協商的耐心
未來 你很難做的更好

AIESEC的週期裡 大家習慣用一年來計算
每一個人積極的想著畫著 一年彷彿要極盡的做出什麼
但回顧來看看 虛晃過的很多
但是組織的本身不會被晃掉 它也不會飄渺的過 每年還是會持續的成長著
一年 你想夠多了嗎
一年 你影響了多少人
一年 你做了些什麼
一年 什麼事情實現了 或是你發現它在改變
一年 你還是一年前的你嗎

這半年下來 由於有更長時間的投入
未來 到社會中你一定得再學一次

有很多人 一次選擇了很多目標 但沒有一項做的出色
在追求成功的同時 你往往忘了鎖定目標

對於有人來說 要求太多太過嚴苛
It is fine
重要的是 你要找到自己的態度
也沒有任何一種態度會證明 你會過得比較好

因為 三年了
怎樣的態度 與 怎樣的選擇

這一刻 我真的遺忘了是學生時還在run AIESEC的感覺


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Haha It is Funny

Das was tu Funi!!
Ich Wanna zu winter dei naman wu
mine drei VPs.... achment

Friday, December 15, 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

I Love SOT.MLG!!!

Thanks for SYLC/WZLC/TFLC/CKLC 's Participation
We are looking for the power of south Taiwan
SOT! Start your AIESEC Dream in the Sunshine


SLOW seems like a negative word
maybe just because we got used to every thing be so quickly

recorginize slowly
happy slowly
be courage slowly
face the feeling slowly
tell everyone slowly

slowly is good for us
because wanna keep it as a long story

enjoy the slowly tune of us
but now is the turn of you
to answer all the questions

Tuesday, December 05, 2006



Monday, December 04, 2006



逆飛的蝴蝶 很像妳啊

還在奮鬥著 忙碌但仍努力向前

人生 每個階段裡 我們總會有所牽絆
但妳要知道 每一天裡 我都把妳放在心裡
因為妳一直 是讓我這麼引以為榮 而感到幸運的有妳這知己

無論什麼事 I will stand by you!!

[Taipei] 2006 Christmas in Taipei

As winter approaches, the glittering lights of Christmas decorations and trees will soon appear on the streets of Taipei. For many young people, Christmas is a night for partying. While church choirs fill the holiday atmosphere with wonderful Christmas carols, Taipei City Government will be spreading warmth and love in the cold winter night. The “2006 Christmas in Taipei” sponsored by the city government, Nan Shan Life, and Bread of Life Christian Church will promote love, mercy, and peace to the people of the city. By celebrating the spirit of Christmas, it is the hope of the organizers that the residents will come together and share their compassion with each other. The “2006 Christmas in Taipei” will be two weeks long. Beginning with the Christmas tree lighting press conference on December 11, there will be events which demonstrate the holiday spirit. The “Lighting up Taipei: Christmas Tree Lighting Press Conference” will take place at the southeastern corner of City Hall. Mayor Ma and other dignitaries will switch on the lights that will illuminate the Xinyi Business District in bright colors. At the same time, there will be performances and decorations at the same location for residents to enjoy the holiday season with their family and friends. In addition, there will be heartwarming activities for hospital patients, senior citizens, and new immigrants. On the night of December 14, Taipei City Government representatives will visit the Renai Branch of Taipei City Hospital to spread holiday cheers with patients, their family, and staffs on duty. There will also be a music concert for senior citizens at Neihu’s Huguang Church. Besides paying respect to the elders and listening to classic music, there will be a prize drawing to excite them. For new immigrants, there will be a “New Immigrants Christmas Feast” at the music platform located at the Civic Plaza at noon on December 24. The city welcomes new immigrants to join in the singing of songs from various places, and to show support and encouragement to fellow immigrants. One of the main activities for the “2006 Christmas in Taipei” will be the Christmas Eve Party and Christmas Eve Caroling. Top pop artists and rock bands will appear at the party to perform both pop and Christmas songs. The audience can enjoy a completely different kind of exciting and avant-garde Christmas celebration through the various music styles. At the conclusion of the party, a Christmas caroling group comprised of Mayor Ma, representatives from private businesses, and church members throughout Taipei will sing Christmas songs. In addition, they will also give away small cards and candies around the streets of Xinyi District. By sharing their happiness and joy with fellow residents, this event will bring “2006 Christmas in Taipei” to a close.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

My 蓋世英雄!! Comin Soon

This is the National Steering Team for 06/07
I named it as 蓋世英雄, the meaning of these words fit the spirit of pionieer.
And it focus on tring to contribute the long-term strategic plan for AIESEC in Taiwan
ahha and I really expect to the team and make it so fantastic!!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

"Crazy Working Style"---titattitatitita.....

Recentaly I start again my crazy working style....
it seems almost 2 months try to keep me get more healthy...
but I re-back again...
Monday 3:45am slept.....6:25am woke up
Tuesday4:00am slept.....7:05am woke up
Wednesday cannot fall asleep.......this kind of torture and 6am I get up from the bed

crazy SHEANA and crazy working machine
titattitatitita.....just like the sounds of click my loptop

this week working list
MC meeting preparation
November National Performance Tracking
December National Plan brief review and re-plan
External Cooperation-Entrepreneurship
Virtual Platform keep follow up
LCP meeting keep follow up
MC BOD meeting
My National Taskforce蓋世英雄(ahaha will release soon....the name is so funny, I already explain to Sharon, I think only know the Chinese ppl will get the point, and also like Sharon knew the stupid joke as my style)

hahha all my AP sister, cheers up, let's make it!
and miss you all

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Heart of Venice : International Competition for Ideas

the Promovetro Consortium, committed to the promotion, valorisation and safeguarding of the traditional art of local glass making, has launched The Heart of Venice International Competition for Ideas aimed at establishing a dialogue between companies on Murano and their technical and cultural heritage and innovative design ideas from all over the world.
Backed by a unique millenary tradition, glass products made on the island of Murano are protected by the Vetro Artistico Murano mark administered by the Promovetro Consortium which certifies their origin and exclusive excellence. Handed down from father to son, knowledge of Murano's glass making techniques enables the island's glassworks to produce objects with unique shapes and colours, thanks to their skill in transforming the silica sand dried on the island and modelled using fire and a high level of craftsmanship.
A cultural wealth which the Consortium wants to put in contact with creativity of artists from all round the world, invited to take part in a competition which will translate the best ideas into concrete objects produced on the island itself in collaboration with master glassworkers.To facilitate the dialogue between local producers and national and international companies, the historic Abate Zanetti School of Glass has been involved to coordinate all phases of the competition.As the name suggests, the image chosen for the competition is the throbbing red Murano glass heart, symbol and defence of tradition and of an ancient art, the soul and passion of Venice and Made in Italy recognised throughout the world.Open to everyone whether individually or in groups and without age limit, the Competition opens on 9th October 2006 and until 4th December 2006 will gather illustrations and ideas proposing a rich range of models applicable to Murano production, capable of reinterpreting the types, styles and techniques of the Venice glass making tradition through contemporary aesthetic and cultural stimuli.
The competition includes four main categories and types:- Lighting in glassdesign of glass lighting elements to visually enhance interiors, with particular attention to the relationship between light and construction material;- Containing in glassdesign of glass objects with a functional purpose;- Living in glassdesign of glass objects to visually improve the home;- Decorating in glassdesign of glass objects to visually improve everyday life and the person;From the entries received via e-mail or delivered physically to the premises of the Abate Zanetti School of Glass, 20 designs will be selected by a Technical Committee made up of representatives of the Promovetro Consortium and the School of Glass.The selected participants will be offered a workshop on Murano lasting five days at the beginning of next year from 8 January to 18 February... a unique experience in which they will have the opportunity to collaborate in producing the design at one of the Consortium's companies.
The prototypes produced will be featured in an exhibition organised in a prestigious Venice museum in March 2007 when the designs can also be voted for by the public through the site
The Panel of Judges (which will include well known personalities from the world of culture, industry and society as well as representatives of the Consortium and School of Glass) will consider the prototypes produced and award a prize of €2,500.00 in each category.Among the four prize winners, a design of excellence standing out as the best creative idea applicable to traditional glass working will also be selected to win The Heart of Venice Prize worth €3,500.00.A further prize of €1,000.00 will be awarded to the design most voted for by visitors to the site, invited to participate by expressing their preference through a survey on the internet.The prizes will be awarded on 30 March 2007 during a charity evening in Venice, during which the final prototypes will be auctioned with the entire proceeds donated to charity.In its first edition,

The Heart of Venice competition hopes to become a regular appointment for exploring and dialoguing on new ideas at international level, capable of reinterpreting a local tradition of great value and moving it nearer to a vast public of designers curious about this world made up of age-old passion, glass and culture.for information and registration on The Heart of Venice competition:

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

[尾牙] Our MC Party for the coming year End

由來 習俗上每月的初二、十六皆是作牙的日子,也是祭拜土地公的日子,二月初二稱為「頭牙」,十二月十六則稱為「尾牙」。作尾牙算是感謝土地公一來對信眾的農作收成與事業生意順利的庇佑,所以會比平常的作牙更加隆重,且各公司行號的老闆會在公司、家中或餐廳犒賞員工,做為慰勞員工一年來的辛勤,或是宴請親友聚餐,聯絡感情。
Ahaaaa....This Year our MC term also wiil have the party to celebrate what we done for the first half-year, and to encourage each other, but what's important .anyway is the key point, that day we must will drink a lot, eat a lot, and have fun a lot loh...

(It might look like that way..........well we'll see)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan

Lin Hwai-min, a famous Taiwanese artist in the world, and also one of my respect people.
Last Month I saw a video made by Discovery that talking about his story and the passion of art and also the society. He truly finds a way to develop the society and have positive impact. And also that is something he loves!!

Next Tuesday night I will attend his New Creation---Wind Shadow, for the Autumn 2006, cannot wait to join the great event.
And glad to recommend everyone to enjoy the great pergormanve and creation by the group if next time Hwai-min starts a world -tour presentation.

This is the website:

And the following is something about Mr. Lin:
2006 Spring Extravaganza
White X 3 World PremiereLin Hwai-min embarks the poetic trilogy
Lin Hwai-min is truly one of Asia's master choreographers…Cloud Gate dancers are like thorough-breds, beautiful and strong…
Discovery Channel
While this Asia Hero's (Time 2005) groundbreaking Cursive Trilogy travels the capitals of the world, Lin Hwai-min strikes open 2006 with yet a new exquisite work of poetry, White x3, in Taipei this spring.
An abstract dance of pure aesthetics, Whitex3 explores variations of color white. Simple set installation and dancers in minimalist shades of white journey through this poetic trilogy. White, the first chapter of the poetry, whispers fog into the dreamscape. White 2 continues the transcendence with light shed into the darkness. Finally, White 3 ends this poetic trilogy with a metallic revelation of boundlessness.
Formosa, Island the Beautiful World Premiere
An unprecedented collaboration of two artists from the same Taitung aboriginal root, Bulareyaung pays tribute to the hills of his homeland with legendary blues artist Kimbo Hu singing memorable ballads live to this heart-wrenching dance.
A legend of the seventies folk blues music scene, Kimbo Hu is the hero still standing, still singing with his soul and still touching hearts of generations old and new.
Praised by media of his recent work to be "vision beyond his peers, Bulareyaung is soon to stand on the same par with internationally celebrated masters."Formosa bears not only the findings of choreographer's pictorial homeland and ideal, but also tells of everyone's beautiful island.
Fresh, beautiful and heart-moving, a spring extravaganza not to be missed.
Bulareyaung choreographs, dances and most important of all, he touches us deeply.
Min Sheng Daily

Miss and Missing

I miss you
and I am missing myself

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lovely people around my AIESEC life

Trainees around AIESEC in TAWN
2004summer Matthias
came to Taiwan for traineeship, same as I join AIESEC in the first activity.

get together for many times, get inspiring from his experience
2005- Arif
the man always set me up, hang around the pub, alc0hol...hah but I truly miss him
start to have so many interaction with him, the most gental man I had met.
2005 - Diego
My great friend, enjoy the time with him, and it is truly
fun that Diego every time try to pretent nothing after he
beating my shoulder.
Actually we just said once "hi" in his first traineeship in
TAWN, but it is cool to know him well in his second times
traineeship, and also this times he belong to my original
LC when I was LCP. (great)
2005 Stephine
She is the wonderful lady, so kind, we didn't met many
times, but it was a day for me every time with her.
And also in the end,you must find out Taiwan need more female trainees lah!!
My LCP-term sister-Sharon
Sharon, she always give me the big support everytime and every where!!

My Foever Best Sis-Rita
everytime she always reminds me the truly meaning of life or the positive impact by AIESEC. Thanks sis

My Big Brother---Eric Mao

no more word to say!!

The Dearest---HsuHuHu
watch out men!! eveyone after his commenting,
no one seems good

Excellent Team I ever have!!
2005-2006 CCLC
(thanks the great teamate: Jessica, Chris, Elmo,Mino,Anne, Winnie, Fenny, Terrisa, Ida, Nelly and eveyone in CCLC)
2005-2006 COOLest LCPs

2006-2007Member Commmittee (thanks : Molly, Dennis, Nick, Pun, Eric, Sandra, Carla, Chris, Jessica, Ellisa and everyone in AIESEC TAWN)
2006-2007 LCPs

Hibiscus Flower Season in Jinfong Township, Taitung County

Hibiscus Flower Season in Jinfong Township, Taitung County

Date : 11/25/2006 - 12/10/2006
Location : Jinfong Township
Organizer : Jinfong Township Office
Contact: (089) 751-144 ext. 146?B147
Website : (Chinese Version)

The white X'mas

The Picture was took in 2003 with my family>>>

every year when the X'mas season comin (now it could be a season not just for a DAY)
the topic about business X'mas, "true" meaning of X'mas will start to fighting
but anyway I love X'mas!!
even my parents not Christendom, but my family celebrate the X'mas.

why we do so? actually it is no reason, but maybe some about my relative in US...peradventure
but we do appreciate all the evet about family gathering
about my family style X'mas

first is about the dinner.....
usually will have a BIG family dinner
I mean will be gathering whole father-side family

second is about the decoration in my house
that will start in December and til the Chineses traditional new year end

anyway it is all about RED

third is about the gift
X'mas is the only timing my father will to pick up the gift for me by himself
so it is exciting to see what he will choice for me
haha and as I am a kids
I truly had believed Santa Claus
cuz in the mid-night always someone jsut put the gift in my big stocking
(okey okey I knew who did that.....)

expect the X'mas comin
also have a lot fun with my friends for xmas (but it is all about party)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ask WHY first!

Everything start to be questioned, please ask WHY first.
Why it be happen?
Why do you concern about that?
Why you make the decision?
Don't make the judgement in the beginning!

Ask myself why!
why I stand here?
why I set my mind?
why I choice this?
maybe you will know, maybe not
but WHY is a good way to let you take 1 sec break and keep to move forward

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Free Hugs

I like this video.
there are always love in our mind, so why we as a human.

The great sentences I read today

The great sentences I read today is from Dey's blog..
but actually to say, it is from Heinz Shalloff.
anyway I don't care loh.. I just like that.
(as following)

You can`t make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realize your worth. We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.

Free your heart from hatret;
Free your mind from worries;Live simply.
Give more.
Expect less.

My hope for you is that you will finally discover the happiness within you.
When you feel down because you didn`t get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because I thought of something better to give you. My friendship.
It is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.
When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means.There`s a purpose to life`s events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too loud.

Thanks today, for the inspiring words.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

[Taipei] 2006 Taipei Poetry Festival

Poetry as a representation of the multi-cultural scenery of today's world has always been the main focus of Taipei Poetry Festival. After last year's theme, the Middle East World, this year we concentrate on other forgotten corners of the world in order to help Taiwanese people understand other cultures and to expand their perspective. This year, five poets from Cuba, Chechnya, Basque, Macedonia, and Taiwan will be represented at the festival. Apti Bisultanov (Chechnya) Apti Bisultanov was born in 1959 in Chechnya. He studied philology and worked as a lecturer, editor, publisher, and partisan. In 1992 he received the Chechen National Award. Since 2002 he has lived in Berlin. He was awarded the Poets of All Nations Foundation in 2003. Zoran Anchevski (Macedonia) Zoran Anchevski was born in 1954 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He is the Professor of English and American literature at Skopje University, a member of Macedonian Writers' Association, a member of Literary Federation for World Peace (International Advisory Board), and the former secretary of Macedonian P.E.N. Currently he is the President of the organizing board of the international festival Struga Poetry Evenings. Nancy Morejon (Cuba) Nancy Morejon was born in 1944 in Havana, Cuba. She is one of Cuba's major authors and also a major contemporary Caribbean poet (in Spanish). She is a powerful player in bringing the Cuban, Caribbean, and Latin American woman's voice to poetry. The National Literary Award was conferred on her in 2001. This was the first time a black woman was awarded Cuba's most prestigious literary prize. Kirmen Uribe (Basque) Kirmen Uribe, born in 1970, is a member of the first post-Franco generation of Basque-language writers. His first collection of poetry won Spain's 2001 Premio de la Critica. He has also been a music and multimedia collaborator. Shoo-tao Shoo-tao was born in 1934 in China. He arrived in Taiwan in 1950. He joined the "Modernism" movement in 1956 and ended his creative activity in the early 60’s. It was in 1985 when he resumed writing. Now he is one of the most important prose poetry writers in Chinese literature. He now resides in the United States.

LOVE as you can, LEAVE as it is gone

It is not about “recently,” the feeling keep almost more then three years. Just will be not down and hit so frequently. Every time I tell myself that if you decide to do this then don’t be regret in the future. But still cannot to think about going back to beside you.
Sometimes the idea just flied into my mind, goes to your office and says hi, but after maybe an hour I will be stocked and thought I still not prepare well. But prepare what? Prepare for pretending me alive well without you? Prepare for explaining the long-time story, or just prepare that I am look like really just want to say hi to you and no doubt to leave again?
If time is be longer, I will be loss all my collage. When I going back, I already forget the common conversation we had. When I going back, I realized that you are not the one whom I familiar with. When I going back, you just behavior there are nothing between us.
You said it is all depend on you, just only you can make the decision. It seems like you didn’t have other choices. You said “I am always here; you always can find me at anytime as you want.” Did I? But actually you have so many choices, you can ask me don’t leave from your side. You can show you’re caring.
Selfish is me, yes! You already did. You already care me enough. You said I not enjoy tasting coffee, and then I never drank coffee in front of you. You said my life type is too faster but I never slow down for you. You said I look so tied when after school; I never pressure your in company after work. Yes! The one who be selfish is me.
Image: I am walking into your place, and you see me the first glance is unbelievable and smile, then you will look down the ground try to think about something or try to break the ice. Then you will look around try to search others response and people will just look at you. And I will just sit down smiling and pretend we just did not contact in several weeks. Suddenly you will just shout out “Man!! Where are you been? I just wonder did you still be alive or not? Welcome back.” And this is the end of our first day after the long time departure. After back home, I will be lost again, and keep ask why?
Should I go back or not? I know I will go back, I will not pass away your birthday again this year. I know I will go back; because somehow I miss my life have your place. But I know I will not fall in love with you again, because if all the things just want to hold in my hand then I will loose anything. Keep the memory as treasure, and move forward to the next step.
The last things for us is not “I am sorry for us or 我希望你能幸福,” just so simple is “How are you these years?”

How Could that Be?

The Funny news I got today....
Who knew she had it in her?
A young woman gives birth to a boy without knowing she was pregnant.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

[Taipei] My Lovely City_Nov.1

Taipei, my lovely city around the world.
If some of you still not visit Taipei before. then...what should I say just...
Prepare yourself for the holiday of your dreams as Taiwan has it all: good food, a beautiful ocean, stupendous mountains and lots of sunshine.
Haha and also Taiwan is just like a a Melting Pot of Different Cultures. Esp when you go around in Taipei city, dozens of nationalist work in Taipei now.
and talk about the culture stuff...
Taiwan forms the center of Chinese art and culture, which is not only obvious from the exhaustive collection of cultural relics from past dynasties exhibited in the famous National Palace Museum, but can also be perfectly illustrated by the traditional architecture and folk art found in Taiwan.

Take a look