Tuesday, November 28, 2006

[尾牙] Our MC Party for the coming year End

由來 習俗上每月的初二、十六皆是作牙的日子,也是祭拜土地公的日子,二月初二稱為「頭牙」,十二月十六則稱為「尾牙」。作尾牙算是感謝土地公一來對信眾的農作收成與事業生意順利的庇佑,所以會比平常的作牙更加隆重,且各公司行號的老闆會在公司、家中或餐廳犒賞員工,做為慰勞員工一年來的辛勤,或是宴請親友聚餐,聯絡感情。
Ahaaaa....This Year our MC term also wiil have the party to celebrate what we done for the first half-year, and to encourage each other, but what's important .anyway is the key point, that day we must will drink a lot, eat a lot, and have fun a lot loh...

(It might look like that way..........well we'll see)

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