Monday, April 02, 2007

Low hahha-poit...

I think only TWnes know about what's haha point
I just recognize sthing very silly and funny......
last night back form MC transition
taking with Nick on the way

and said sthing about future again
And eveytime he always made the REALLY low haha point dream with me
I think MC team only him got the same lowest hahha point with me
but he never accept this conclusion

the first dream is about to open a Restaurant
we told about this before (might already one year ago)
and of course the interor design is responsible by me...
and because he truly like to service and cook so he will responsible this part
(type on "like to" not as "be good to"....aha you know)
and the restaurant will be called as 得來慢 (*remind: it is the hahha point)
because it is about the sevice and attitude we toward to the customer
and what's more
he want to choice the fantastic set but put 蚵仔麵線 inside (*remind: it is the hahha point)

and the second dream is a new one
when he told about that I truly laugh a while time
but because he really got serious about that
so I need to pay attention and disc with him
the one is to open a Cram School for AIESEC Knowledge
and the location will in 台中
and duration will in summer
because he wanna be the professor in the future
and also his session style really is like the way in cram school
so he will be the teacher
and say truly I hate cram school, so I never been to any in my school life
and I didnt find any special JD in this dream
so I think I will be the nothing-to-do 櫃檯小姐 in this dream

I Recognize that really silly and funny.....
but will stop to typing
otherwise AIESEC member will think about how sillu these two ppl are

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