Saturday, June 09, 2007


The final task of my AIESEC job.
To complete AIESEC in Taiwan over the lovely country!

Last three days, I had been to Hualien, the east part of Taiwan, and visit DH University.
They started to build up their own team when I was a LCP in CCLC; and now step by step to build up their own LC.
I still remember the day, in Chen-Chi University classroom, I asked all the members "Do you want to take the task to help TW to build up the first LC in our east part? Do you want to make AIESEC in Taiwan complete?" After long discussion and arguement, then we're excited and cried out"Yes!!" in the mid-night! That was also the day I decided to go to 2006-2007MCP election.

Yes, been almost 600 days, now we are ready. Ready to flag AIESEC in the east area of Taiwan.
AIESEC in my lovely country will be complete!!
Welocme! Welcome AIESEC in Taiwan!

This Picture was took past year, The first time I went to there.

子萱 and 昱廷!!
Two great peopleto lead the team growing!!

Keep Disc and enjoy the great afternoon around the nature!!
能力十足的全配 必把原住民專案弄得響亮 四個研習生來台!
還有湯圓!!!其他的不用說了 就是Match One TN for us ba!!
佳玲無論在哪 確定了方向對於大家也會有很多的協助
還有大家 無論是誰 加油
Commitment don't mean you pay your 100% time to do Nothing.
It is mean you do your best to achieve the 100& task under your responsibility.

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